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Young Minds, Bright Futures: Coding & Robotics Program

For Grade 2nd - 12th

Unleash curiosity, innovation with hands-on coding, robotics & AI learning, and embark on a limitless educational journey.


Why this program?

Our Younger selves are far more creative, intelligent and better learners than our older selves

Creativity Score

Scientists of NASA, Dr.George Land & Beth Jarman, tested some 1600 five-year olds, and gave them a test to solve problem and come up with innovative solutions. They were retested as 10 yr olds and then again as 15 yr olds.


You are 90% more creative as a child than as an adult.


Language Learning Abilities

Dr. Paul Thompson, a neurology professor at UCLA, conducted a study to analyse the capability of acquisition of a new language with age.


Learning a language is much easier for a 10 year old than a 25 year old.


IQ Levels

Indian Psychiatry Journal conducted a study on different forms of intelligence in Indian school-going children with age.


Maximum growth of IQ is witnessed between 5 years to 15 years.



This is the best age to begin with Programming courses

5 - 15 years


Unique Methodology

We believe in providing the students a platform of exposure and practical knowledge. We want the students to understand and enjoy our courses. Let's have a glimpse of the thought process.

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“Every expert was once a beginner”.

Students learn via one on one live lectures taught by highly qualified teachers. Each class is designed based on the curiosity and interests of the student. 


“Teach me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I learn”.

Each class is followed by a live project to maximize the student’s learning. Master the skills you’ve learned by building projects in a fun way.

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“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”.

Do you have an idea? At Rancho Labs, students acquire the right skills and experiences by learning and building to solve real-life problems.

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Program Structure

Young Explorers Program

An experiential program conducted by IITians for grades 2 to 5, focusing on technology and innovation with a unique methodology of Learn, Build, and Innovate.


3 months - 24 hours


Conditional Statements

Block Programming




Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

Paper Piano

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PTM every 6 weeks


6 months - 48 hours


Interfacing of Servo motor

Principles of Mechanical Instruments

Basics of IOT


Smart Dustbin

Password Protected Door

Automatic Street Light

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PTM every 6 weeks


9 months - 72 hours


Mathematical Operations

Radio Communication using Multiple Micorbits

Automation of Devices



Smart Fan

Rainbow LED

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PTM every 6 weeks


12 months - 96 hours


Integrating External Visual Device

Data logging and Data Analysis

Incorporating Mathematical Operations


Step Counter

Magic Crayon

Trip/Lab Visit

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PTM every 6 weeks

Benefits of this program

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Understanding the technical know-hows to develop strong foundational concepts

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Attain meaningful learning through playful classroom interactions

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Develop problem-solving skills by resolving real-life difficulties

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Enhance your analytical, logical, critical and algorithmic thinking

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Build real-time projects like applications, games and even robots!

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Boost your career advancement opportunities with Rancho Labs’ certification programs

A little more than what you'd expect

Bonus 1

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Participate in Rancho Community and experience life outside the classroom

Bonus 2

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Have more fun by involving in games, events, Webinars

Bonus 3

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Give your mind a workout and indulge in regular quizzes, brain teasers

Bonus 4

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Stay updated with the latest technological happenings around the world

Bonus 5

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Learn, unlearn and relearn in unique ways with your peers

Bonus 6

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Get inspired and generate ideas by taking part in IIT Clubs

Who is this program for?

Exciting tech-based activities and projects nurture curiosity, foster creativity, and enhance problem-solving skills in your child. Explore interests, learn from scratch, or build on existing abilities for success in today's digital age.

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Future Engineers

Become technically competent in AI/coding in sciences/analytics

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The Artsy

Who wish to showcase portfolios by developing and publishing designs

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Always Intrigued

Who keep meddling with electrical components at home

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The Medics

Medical aspirants can learn about AI and


From Dreams To Reality: Stories Shared By Our Students