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The Space Science Saga

Science- It develops imagination, awakens curiosity of the budding generation and leads to innovation. Most of us confine ourselves to studying science which is all around us. But, there’s actually an enormous world beyond what we think, waiting to be explored.

Space Science encompasses many different fields that relate to the study of space, planets and life in the universe, including astronomy, space microbiology, chemistry, geology, meteorology and physics.

Space science inspires us to look beyond our planet, to the stars, moons, and galaxies beyond. It’s a topic that aims to address the big questions like, “How did our Earth and Solar System evolve?” What is the origin of life? What lies beyond what we can see in the sky? Space science explores it all.

Scope of Space Science

Most new generation students in India and overseas appreciate Space Science as one of the most interesting career possibilities. It offers a lot of potential for a successful career and can help one become an engineer or a scientist in a variety of astronomical and space scientific disciplines. The current generation of kids has a strong desire to pursue a glamorous and adventurous career. Space science is one such career that encompasses both of these aspects.

Space scientists explore questions, conduct research, and apply science to learn more about how and why things happen in our cosmos. Here are some of the areas wherein space scientists work. It’s worth noting that many of these disciplines might overlap, and work in these diverse fields is frequently linked to one another.

Astronomy is the study of planets,stars and galaxies. Planets, stars, and galaxies are studied by astronomers. They plan experiments and make observations with telescopes both on Earth and in space to perform astronomical research. They develop instruments, collect , and analyse data using high-performance computers. They also come up with physical models to explain their findings.Observing stars (from birth to death), supernovae, pulsars, and gamma-ray bursts; investigating black holes and dark matter; and detecting gravitational waves are all examples of current astronomy research.

Astrophysics is the area of astronomy that studies the physical properties of stars, galaxies, and the cosmos as a whole.

Astrobiology is the study of how life begins and evolves, as well as the possibility that it could exist somewhere other than Earth.

Astrochemistry is the study of chemical reactions in space, particularly those involving organic compounds that are necessary for life on Earth.Chemists in the space field examine data collected in various ways, such as space probes orbiting distant planets or asteroids. They also employ space telescopes to figure out what makes up celestial bodies.

Meteorologists study the weather in order to forecast it in the short term. They use sophisticated instruments on board orbiting satellites, as well as ground-based and aircraft observations, to collect data on clouds, radiation, winds, hurricanes, dust, and precipitation. Climatology is the study of long-term weather variations.

The space programmes rely heavily on physicists. They use telescopes and instruments on the ground and in space to make observations. They devise or fine-tune hypotheses based on their observations, plan experiments to be done, and construct advanced tools in order to better understand our universe.

Geology involves research of rocky planets, including how they are formed, what they’re made of, and how they’re evolving. Geologists study data from satellites, rovers, and landers as part of space science. Images from orbiting cameras, for example, can be used to study the properties of planetary surfaces. Data on the composition of rocks is collected by spectrometers mounted on rovers.

Whether it’s weather forecasting, satellite TV, global communications, or satellite navigation, space technology touches practically every aspect of our lives. Any of these fields, as well as many others, could be part of a career in the space sector. Working on a new satellite or inventing technologies to map a faraway planet are examples of careers in space science.

What Are The Opportunities in India?

After developing the requisite skill sets, experts in subjects such as robotics, satellite technology, medicine, biology, remote sensing, meteorology, and others may pursue careers in space science. The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala), is Asia’s first space institute and the first in the world to offer a full range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate programmes with an emphasis on space science, technology, and applications.

Other institutes that offer research possibilities in space science and related subjects include the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Space Application Centre (SAC), National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), and Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC). Space specialisation degrees (M.Tech) in Space Technology, Astrophysics, Aerospace engineering etc. are available at some Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

Astronomers/astrophysicists get abundant opportunities in government/national observatories, space research agencies, planetariums, science museums, and the media, among other places. Few options include esteemed institutes such as the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Defence Research and Development Organization (Defense Research & Development Organization).

Future Space

Telescopic exploration and physical exploration of space by robotic spacecraft and human spaceflight are both part of the future of space exploration. The aspect of human exploration, technology, and science will continue in the future. We’ll travel to the Moon to learn more about how to assist human exploration of Mars and beyond. We will continue to support the growth of a thriving low-Earth orbit economy that builds on the International Space Station’s achievements. Engineers at NASA will keep on addressing the problems of advanced space exploration. Our researchers will try to improve our knowledge of our planet and its location in the universe. We’ll keep trying to find an answer to the question, “Are we alone?” Crewed orbital and landing missions to the Moon and Mars are in the works, with the goal of establishing scientific outposts that will eventually lead to permanent and self-sufficient communities.

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