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We know that you want your raja beta to be just like Sharmaji ka beta — but in order to achieve that you also have to cope with Sharmaji! Here are 5 enriching benefits of spending quality time with your little one(s).

Strengthening the quality of education is not affected by just a single issue. Many factors are involved such as school, teacher, student, and most importantly the parents! According to our analysis, we found one thing in common among the students who underperformed in their studies — yeah, it was lack of parental involvement — they did not spare time for their kids! And then they compare their kids with everyone else in the class who outperformed!

Yeah, we do understand that you have to handle Ambanis and Tatas, but don’t let your children’s education bear the expense for it. Okay, no worries! You’re not late anyway. We’re here to throw the light on how your involvement matters to your child. Let’s go!

Researchers’ report that your participation as a parent in your children’s schooling plays a vital role in the following areas:

1. Building Child’s Self-Esteem

Let your child feel that you’re a superhero for him/her -no matter what- you are there for them. By doing so, he will start gaining self-confidence for doing the academic stuff with ease.

2. Growing Parent-Child Relationships

Some efforts at increasing involvement fail because there is a mismatch in the communication styles of families and teachers, often due to cultural and language differences. We don’t and will never urge you to spend 24 hours with your children. But yes, we want you to talk to them conveniently so they can build the trust to share everything with you.

3. Developing a Positive Attitude Towards School

This will definitely lead to better classroom behavior. You’re the role model for your kids — the way you behave and the way you talk- shall be inculcated in your children too.

4. Lifting Teacher Morale

Once your child has developed the positive attitude, teachers will appreciate his/her performance in the classroom. These things will eventually lift up the tutor’s morale as he/she doesn’t have to spend hours hammering your munchkins.

5. Gaining a Sense of Responsibility

If the above 4 areas are successfully achieved, no one can stop your kid to gain a sense of responsibility. He starts acting in a more mature way than ever. Furthermore, parents are the ones who have more time to stay with their children than teachers or any mentors do. You might be asking us — toh me kya job chord du? We do know and understand that you have to work to maintain the financial standing of the family — from dawn to dusk every day!

But, bed time is the best time to bond over and do creative things together with your child. For instance, stories are the best way to impart life lessons to kids. Reading out aloud with them contributes significantly to their reading and cognitive abilities.

These areas can only be accomplished when you spare some time with your kids. You should be in constant touch with the school teachers or coaching mentors to know about the progress of your children — give or take suggestions — so that they can provide assistance in his /her education on an ongoing basis. As mentioned above, educators benefit when family involvement is strong, as school staff gain an awareness of the ways they can build on family strengths to support students’ success.

Happy parenting! :)

If you think you are not getting further support to assist your child outside the school, then mentors at Rancho Labs are all your ears and just one zoom call away — with free mentorship — that provide utmost care and attention to make children explore and innovate things in their own way!!

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